Thursday, April 26, 2012

Countdown To The Dream - Day 9

Welcome to our little coastal home. Located in the town of Rockport, Texas this is where we will be going to escape, recharge, and get reacquainted. Today the countdown begins; we close next Friday. 

This house has many things that I have always wanted in a home. They may seem small, inconsequential to most - but it really is always about the little things isn't it?

A sidewalk that leads right up to the front door is a symbolic welcome home sign. It is traditional, it is a path straight to the heart of the home and it provides many decorating opportunities.  I'm not sure I have ever lived in a house with such an entry. What is the allure? I can't really put my finger on it. Maybe it is wanting something I don't have, but I want to think it is more.

The back yard is a nongardener's dream come true. It is low maintenance with a deck and path: a trifecta! I counted a total of sixteen live oak trees on the property - most small, but this one in the backyard is large and provides a great deal of shade.

I have dreamed of a path in the backyard, here at Stately Means Manor. Our hard clay soil combined with St. Augustine grass makes it very difficult to remove sod and create flower beds and pathways. On the coast we have a sandy soil that will be so much easier to deal with. The fact that the previous owner started the process for us makes it even easier.

Rockport is a major stopping place for hummingbird migration and hosts a hummer festival every September. I want my backyard to become famous in hummingbird society - we will party down on all month long. I will be reclining on my deck while they are feasting from the bounty of my garden.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Rediscovering Joy

It happens to me every single time I do it.  Why do I forget?  How could I forget?  How can I be too busy for something that feeds my soul?

What am I talking about?  


The simple act of making something brings joy to my heart.  I love it most when I bring random items together to tell a story, evoke an emotion, or simply bring pleasure to the viewer. 

I have developed an affinity for Victorian-esque statues. I have a dancing man and woman that belonged to my Grandma Woodring and now whenever I find one that makes me stop to look, I generally buy it. I love the colors, and just the dainty beauty the exude.

As we prepare for moving day, I spend many hours looking at my collection of decorating magazines, plotting and planning the look of our little beach home. This will be a new outlet for my need to create. The wonderful thing about creativity in a variety of disciplines - one feeds the others. As I decorate I get ideas for crochet design. Not to mention just spending so much time in a place that is of God's most beautiful creations. More on our little house tomorrow.

Bring a little beauty into your life today - it is the little things that make such a difference.