Thursday, October 20, 2011


We had a new front door installed on our home this week.  This was a decision years in the making and the final choices were agonized over and made very carefully.  We will be looking at this door for the rest of our lives.  It needed to be right.

I'm not sure when it happened.  If I press myself to remember I would say that it started many years ago while driving in the country; I needed to clear my head and make sense of a very emotional situation. 

I love to get into the car and drive, stopping to take pictures - artsy pictures as my husband calls them.  Looking through the lens of the camera I can create a reality that is all my own.  No one else will ever view the scene in exactly the same way that I do.  It is mine and mine alone.

To enter or not to enter, that is the question.

At some point, on one of those drives I became enamored with doors.  Oh, the stories they could tell.  Doors allow people in, keep the weather out, and give clues about the people inside.  Doors can be utilitarian or decorative.  But, the one thing that all doors have in common is that they provide passage.  Passage in and passage out.

Very old building (1600's) in Montpellier France.

There are doors we all walk through as we pass from one phase of our life to another.  Some of those doors are beautiful and others are not.  There have been some deceptively beautiful doors in my life that I wish I had never opened.  I often wonder, what was behind those doors I ignored?  I'll never know - this side of heaven anyway. 

Never being a risk taker,  I have I probably walked past more doors I was to have opened, than going where I didn't belong.  These days I try to choose my doors wisely, asking and trusting God to guide me according to His plans for me and my life.  All I can hope is that I listen and trust in what I can't see more than I believe in what is visible.

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