The preliminary diagnosis is a severely sprained left wrist. Tomorrow, after a follow-up visit to an orthopedic doctor, I will know if it is more than that. More importantly I will know how long I will have to wait before I can knit or crochet. My need for constant creativity is forcing me in another direction. Actually, I am going in reverse, back to one of my pre-yarn passions: home decor and collecting vintage items that speak of a time gone by.
Several life events caused me to suspend the decorating and nurturing of our home. Those events are not important now, what is important is that I have a renewed interest and passion for nesting. The first step will be to build an addition on our house so that our daughter and her children will have a space of their own. Then, I can reclaim our house as our own.
I am fortunate enough to have inherited many beautiful pieces of furniture and decorative accents. Most of these I have put away to protect them from three small children. I feel like I have had a breath of new life has filled me as I anticipate this new phase of our life.
I have found many new and wonderfully inspirational blogs to follow. Through these blogs I am reminded how much I love things that are used, white, chipped, and worn. Things that tell a story.

Sound bizarre? I think it will be a challenge to pull it off, but have the foundation of some beautiful furnishings and a pair of Art Deco style lamps from the 40's. These were my mother-in-laws and I loved them from the moment I first saw them. Now they, along with her Duncan Phyfe sofa are the cornerstone of my vision.
There are other pieces of furniture and other rooms, but that is for another day.
Until we meet again...
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