When it snows in south Texas it is almost the equivalent of you know what freezing over. Well, it froze over today!

I was sitting in my studio early this morning, slowly sipping my first cup of coffee while checking out my Facebook and Twitter pals. It was raining. No, wait...are those snow flakes? At first I thought I was seeing things because this wasn't supposed to happen until later in the day, if at all. Sure enough, on closer inspection, real honest to goodness snow flakes were falling. Yippee!
What a great day to own a yarn shop. Customers came bundled in their knitwear looking for a project to work on while watching the snow. Everyone was happy. I know that for you folks who live where it snows regularly, we seem rather pathetic. I am telling you that this is big news in the Houston area! Jim frickin Cantorre from the weather channel was here. You know it is big weather news when he shows up.
By late morning the sky was white with snow flurries and the snow had begun to stick and accumulate. All I wanted to do was sit and stare at the miracle falling from the skies. It is so gentle and peaceful. We are used to weather making really loud noises; thunder that rattles the windows and driving rain that sounds like BBs as it comes crashing down. Snow is silent. The tranquility is mesmerizing and intoxicating.
I think that part of the reason I feel the way that I do is because this is such a rare occurrence thus it must be treasured as it will be gone in the blink of an eye. And sure enough, by 5:00 p.m. the sun was starting to peek through the clouds and the white was beginning to fade to green and brown again.
This is the earliest it has ever snowed in Houston. In a world where we are bombarded with bad news on a daily basis, a snow day is cause for celebration and should most definitely be a holiday. Today was special - an early Christmas gift from God.
Thank you God,
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