I started a post about our vacation. Then I started a post about Christmas. So much time has passed since all of that that I decided to skip right up to the present. One of the beautiful things about a blog is being able to record life as it happens. Thanks to the movie Julie and Julia, one year ago I vowed to blog everyday. Well, that got me nowhere; when I began to slack I just gave up - my personality in a nutshell. I realized that I didn't have enough interesting stuff to say everyday. So, this year, I am trying for a weekly blog entry. Hope springs eternal.
As I look into the new year I have no idea what will come our way. On January 1, 2010 I had no idea that by the end of the year we would be sharing our home with our daughter and her three children or that I would be a few signatures away from owning my own home (yes, we own our home, but this time I get to help choose the house!).
I can look into the year and plan what I would like to happen, but only God really knows what will be coming our way. I plan, but always defer to His wisdom, grace and love.
With that introduction, here is what I hope for, will plan for, and focus on in 2011:
Health for all those I love - I know that is generic and not very creative, but without good health nothing else matters.
I want my grandchildren to have a stable home - this is why I am getting another home, more on that later.
Quality time with my husband. When we actually have time to ourselves we really have fun - what a refreshing thing to discover. What has always caused difficulties in our marriage is the outside forces of others impacting us. Couldn't we just live on an island?
Time and space for creativity. This is my lifeblood. If I am not creating I die inside.
A new home - this is actually the first thing that I hope happens this year. With this all the above can happen as well. I have never been a part of choosing the home that I live in. I chose apartments, but for reasons I will not go into, I have not chosen houses. I want to choose my "forever house."
Earn money. For many years now I have gone without earning any money. I am blessed to have a husband who makes a good living and thus far I have not needed the money. But, I would really like a monetary reward for my hard work.
I want to give back. I will find a charity that touches my heart and not only give money but also of my time. This is an important part of life that I have neglected of late. Because of my dad, military causes always touch my heart as does hospice - those are amazing people. And, of course there are the animals, the creatures God entrusted to our care and are so often neglected and abused by people. I can't adopt them all (maybe a new kitty for the new house?), but I can find ways to help.
Well, those are my hopes and dreams for the new year. Where will 2011 take us? Only God knows for sure. See you same time next year and we'll compare notes.
God bless us one and all.