A good friend reminded me that I have been blog silent of late. As 2010 draws to a close, her prompting is bringing me back to the keyboard.
Life, since September, has been...well, rather chaotic. Into our quiet, predictable life came our daughter and her three young children. There is much that can be said about the whys, the right and wrong of the decision, but what it all boils down are three young girls who deserve an opportunity to become all that God created them to be.
While I would be lying if I tried to portray our situation as The Waltons 2010 style, neither is it all bad. Yes, the three year old is given to fits of screaming when things don't go her way; bed time is well, a nightmare on Willow Bend Dr.; and most days the mornings start waaaay to early. But there are moments we would never experience any other way.
Shorts and Love Bug raking leaves. |
Is there anything more precious than having a baby around the house, especially one who is perpetually happy? |
Hamming it up on Halloween. |
Showing off a new hair cut. |
Wanting a picture taken because big sister did. |
These are also the things that keep us from poking our eyes out at 5:30 in the morning when the screaming commences, or at bedtime when #1 antagonizes #2, and #3 is just trying to keep the peace. Ahhh, the life of a multigenerational home.
Next...Part 2 - Getting ready for Christmas.